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Welcome! Let's Play Ball!

Draft & Roster Creation

Each season, we strive to set up teams and divisions that are fair and balanced so we can provide a better learning experience for all players. We ask players that could potentially play in multiple divisions to participate in Player Assessment Day so the coaches can become familiar with them. 

🔴 Baseball Intermediate 50/70 teams require a try out. This tryout counts as the player assessment, and should a player not be placed on an Intermediate 50/70 team, they will be assigned to a 46/60 roster automatically. 

🔴 Softball and Baseball Majors/Minors Divisions use an "Alternate Plan B Method" or "Redraft," which ensures a balanced distribution of players across all teams. The process:

  1. The league determines the number of teams, roster sizes, and assigns managers.
  2. Managers draw numbers to determine the draft order.
  3. Following the draft order, managers select players within the division's age range, starting with returning players. Majors coaches must draft all available 12-year-olds first. If the number of remaining picks equals the number of undrafted returning Majors players, those players become the only eligible selections.
  4. The draft follows a snake order (e.g., Round 1: 1-4, Round 2: 4-1, Round 3: 1-4) until all rosters are full.
  5. Head Coaches must draft their assistants. Players with parents volunteering as on-field assistants will be noted, and managers should collaborate to distribute them evenly.
  6. Managers are expected to balance skill positions across teams (e.g., preventing one team from having three catchers while another has none) to maintain fair competition.

🔴 Age Ranges for Draft Divisions (using Little League age). 

  • 🥎 Softball Program - Majors (40'): 12-10, Minors (35'): 10-8
  • âš¾ Baseball Program - Majors 46/60: 12-9, Minors AAA: 11-8, Minors AA: 10-7 (all 8-year-olds must play in AA)

🔴 Rookies and Tee Ball Divisions are developmental, not competitive divisions, and so rosters are created using a "Plan C" draft. 

Player Assessment Day Overview

Player Assessment Day typically occurs in late February or early March, leading up to the player draft. This allows our coaches to evaluate players' skills and begin forming balanced teams.

During this short workout, our coaches will meet your player and assess their skill level prior to the draft. The one-hour session is not a tryout, as everyone who registers makes a team.

Coaches will assess players in the five areas of our Player Development Rubric: Throwing, Catching & Fielding, Hitting, Baserunning, and Pitching. The Rubric was developed by a panel of high school and college teachers and coaches, specifically for Lawrence Little League. It uses an absolute scale of 0-5, with "0" being a T-ball player on their first day and "5" being a high school freshman on their first day of tryouts.

🔴 How does the day work?

Players are assigned to small groups, and parents are emailed the times. Players are asked to participate in five short drills, where coaches will become familiar with their skill in throwing, catching & fielding, hitting, baserunning, and, in some instances, pitching. The whole process only takes 30-40 minutes. Returning 12-year-olds are exempt from Assessment Day because they are automatically placed in the Majors division.

🔴 Is this a tryout?

No! Every player that registers for Lawrence Little League makes a team. Division placement is guided by a combination of factors, including overall enrollment, the waterfall draft, a player's league age, and their skill level.

🔴 Why isn't my player in the same group as others their age?

Player Assessment groups are formed based on Little League Age, not calendar year age.

🔴 But I want my player to try out with the friends in their grade!

This is not a tryout. Every player makes a team. Assessment Day is a chance for coaches to meet and get to know players. School grade is not an organizing principle in Little League softball or baseball. We must organize the groupings according to Little League age, as that's how our governing body organizes. 

🔴 What if my player doesn't perform well during Assessment?

This is not a tryout. Every player makes a team. Assessment Day is a chance for coaches to meet and get to know players. Coaches are looking to build a rapport with players as much as they are looking to understand skill level.

🔴 My player can't attend Assessment Day. What happens? Will there be a makeup session?

Scheduling Assessment Day is a challenging process. We need good weather, the availability of a space big enough to accommodate 200+ players, a day when multiple coaches can attend, and timing early enough in late winter that we can draft teams, order and receive uniforms, and hold some practices before a mid-April Opening Day. As such, it is rare we are able to hold a makeup day, but we will definitely try.

The draft uses observations from Assessment Day to assist the coaches when selecting their teams. Generally, if coaches have not seen a player prior to the draft, they will default to drafting them "on age," meaning the lowest division for their league age, to avoid the player getting hurt.

If Assessment Day is not held due to weather, we use the first week of practices to assess players and level teams before finalizing rosters.

🔴 Can't the League just place my player in a higher division?

No, Lawrence Little League forms teams via a draft. Your player must be drafted by a coach onto a team. The League does not place your player on any team—they are drafted. Please review the Placement Requests section of this webpage.

Team Placement Requests

As part of the registration process, you are asked to acknowledge that we may not honor a request to place your player:

  • On the same team as any other player (including their sibling)
  • On any specific team (exception: players who have families that are team sponsors are automatically placed on that team)
  • With a specific manager, or coach
  • With a team that practices or plays (or doesn't practice or play) at a certain time or day of the week 
  • Within a specific division or league
The final determination of a player’s placement within a specific division will occur during the draft.  You may provide us with suggestions in writing (email [email protected]) as to which division you believe your player should play in, and that may be considered during our draft process. However, at the conclusion of the draft, your player may end up in different division than the information you provided us. 

In short: Your player will be drafted onto a team by the Head Coach. Appeals to League officials to change draft results will not be accommodated.

But I need a carpool! All teams in a division practice and play on the same nights, at the same facility, just on different fields (which are very close to each other). Most parents tell us this allows them to plan a rideshare, since its similar to carpooling to school with a friend who is in the same grade but has a different teacher. 

In some instances a player's Little League Age and their calendar age may be different. As such, they may be drafted in a different division than their classmates. Lawrence Little League must follow Little League International age guidelines in order to keep our charter and insurance, and cannot accommodate requests to keep a player together with classmates.

Fall Ball programs are more informal and while not guaranteed, we have more latitude to accommodate placement requests. Summer Tournament and Competitive Travel Teams utilize a tryout process for roster selection, not a draft. 

Player Development Rubric

We're committed to helping every player reach their full potential. That's why we partnered with local High School and College coaches in our area to create our Player Development Rubric.

What is it? It's a roadmap that clearly outlines the skills progression for each player, and what they should learn at each stage. This objective tool helps our volunteer coaches provide the right instruction and support for every child.

How does it benefit your child?

  • Personalized Development: The rubric guides coaches in tailoring their approach to a player's specific needs.
  • Clear Expectations: Parents can understand exactly what skills your child should be working on, making it easier to support progress at home.
  • Consistent Growth: The rubric ensures all players receive consistent, high-quality instruction aligned with their development stage.

View the Rubric.

We believe that by working together – parents, coaches, and the League – we can create a positive hometown experience where every young  player can thrive.


Lawrence Township Junior Baseball & Softball Association
100 Eggert Crossing Road, PO Box 6923
Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648

Email: [email protected]

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