Log into LTJBSA.com (www.ltjbsa.com), then from your account page, click VOLUNTEER in menu on the left side.
Next, click VISIT TEAM PAGE in the middle of the page to jump to your Team Central Page
Click the CALENDAR tab from your Team Central home page.
Click the RESULTS button and scroll down until you see the game you want to enter pitch counts for.
Click the EDIT SCORES button next to the game, then enter pitch counts next to each pitcher’s name.
Click SAVE & POST at the bottom of the page.
Pitch counts and scores can be edited. Find the game, click the EDIT SCORES button, then scroll to the bottom of the page. Next, click the UNPOST SCORES button, make your edits, then click the SAVE button.
Clicking the PITCH COUNT button at the top of the Calendar→ Results page will generate a report showing pitch counts and next available dates for each player.